Welcome to the digital version of “Doing What Matters in Times of Stress” (DWM), a stress management guide for coping with adversity, originally developed by The World Health Organization. It is informed by evidence and field testing.
The guide provides easy to learn skills and audio exercises that can be practiced for just a few minutes each day to help you cope with stress. It is for anyone who experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances.
If you find that doing the exercises is not enough for you to cope with intolerable stress, then please seek help from relevant health or social services, or from trusted people in your community.
DWM does not collect any personal data, with the exception of an email or phone number that is required to create an account. We ask for this information, so that the system can monitor which stage of the course you are at, in order to send you reminders about the new available modules and in case you need to restore your password.
This digital version was adapted by the VU University Amsterdam. For more information, please click on your username on the homepage once you have registered.